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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Summer 2

Science - seasonal changes - We have been recording the temperature and amount of rainfall over the academic year. We then looked at the results, created bar charts and pictograms and wrote about our findings

PSHE - Amazingly the management from Tesco gave us all of the ingredients for free!!! We then created posters, made and sold the biscuits at the summer fair.

PSHE - To raise money for school finds, we have written letters to Tesco asking for donations towards making chocolate chip biscuits to sell at the school fair. I wonder if we will get a response?

We created father's day cards

RE - we learned that Christian and Jewish people believe that God created the world and so made our own creations using primary coloured paint

PSHE - We have been learning how to keep money safe and made a money box

Virtual Reality Workshop - We learned about different animals through virtual reality, seeing them in their natural habitats

Fire Safety Talk - we learned about how to keep our houses safe and what to do if there was a fire.

Role play - we looked at letters from the book 'The Day The Crayons Quit' and completed freeze frames to show how the different coloured crayons felt

Physical Education - for our Outdoor Adventurous Activity we have been learning how to work together and so completed a range of activities to help us with this.

Manha brought some chicks into school for us to look after for the day

We feed the fish three times a week

PSHE - we drew around a friend and labelled different body parts

Home Farm - We went to Mrs Smith's farm to learn about how they look after their cows, looked for and named a range of trees and wildlife and learnt how to make butter.

Design Technology - We have designed and created our own moving monster using linkages.

Design Technology - look at how amazing our moving monsters turned out!
