Home Page

Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve


Welcome to Elm class!


Welcome to Elm class where your Teacher is Mrs Kabalan.

Here you can find out about what we are doing throughout the year and some useful information and webpages.





Reading serves as the foundation for all your child's learning. It helps to widen their vocabulary and expand their imagination. We will change your child's reading book once a week. Your child will have a red reading log book to record the day we change their book. We expect children to read at home to an adult 3 times a week so they can earn reading badges. Children need to read 10 books for a bronze badge, 14 books for a silver badge and 18 books for a gold badge.


For more information, please visit the Phonics and Reading pages of our website, via the Curriculum tab. 




We do PE lessons in the Hall every Wednesday and Friday morning. Children also have daily access to carefully planned and purposeful outdoor play. The outdoor provision is a place where our children can be fully immersed in all types of learning, as well as developing their gross motor skills. It offers space and therefore is particularly important to those children who learn best through active movement. 

Please ensure your child's full PE kit is in school. It will be sent home each half term to be washed.  Please name ALL items of clothing and the PE bag.



Our Summer 1 Topics are as follows:


TOPIC- Ticket to ride

Week One - Tickets, Please!

Week Two -Cars, Buses, Trains

Week Three -Ferries, Boats, Planes

Week Four - Round and About 16

Week Five - Up, Up and Away! 21

Week Six - Holidays


Photographs of your child's learning experiences will be shared via ClassDojo. 

Phonics, Literacy and Maths activities will be carried out daily. Children will also be learning through exploring our fantastic provision both indoors and outdoors. 


If you have any questions or concerns, please come and speak to us at school or send us a message on ClassDojo. We are very excited for the year ahead and look forward to welcoming your child into Elm class. 
