Miss Ahmad is the Class Teacher. In the mornings, Mrs Khan and Mrs Kenny will providing 1:1 support in the class. Mrs Patel will be teaching in Rowan class on Friday afternoons.
Home Readers: Children are given home readers. They need to be listened to at least three times a week and have their books signed. Please note, if there is no signature, the week will not be counted towards the reading awards.
Children will be assigned to a day on which they will have their books changed. You will be informed of the day for your child via class dojo.
AR Reading books: Children need to read their AR books independently and take a quiz to assess their understanding of the text. They will need to score at least 80% to get a pass. Unfortunately, children can not then resit the test. It is important to make sure that they read it properly with understanding.
These books will be changed at least once a week but there is no designated day for the change - as and when the children have completed the quiz they can have their book changed.
Tuesday & Thursday.
Homework books are handed out on a Friday and is due back on Monday.
The homework will be a mixture of English or Maths every week.
Spellings & Timetables: Each week, children will be given spelling words and timetables to revise for the following week.
Passwords for any logins are glued in the red reading record books.
If you have any questions, please message me on Class DoJo and we will get back to you as soon as possible.