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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Autumn 2

Winter fair - we have had lots of fun playing a variety of games before the Winter fair

PSHE - we have been learning about what bullying is and how to treat other people. The children created a 'graffiti wall' reminding us how to look after each other.

Fire safety - we had a talk about fires and how to keep ourselves safe. The children learned what to do if a fire started near them.

Geography - we used atlases and iPads to name and put the continents in the correct place. We also looked at the equator and thought about countries that are hot and cold and which animals live there.

Design Technology - we have designed and made a chair strong enough for Baby Bear from the story Goldilocks to sit on. We thought about which shape is the strongest to use

Road Safety - we learned how to stay safe when crossing the road. We also found out whether we were tall enough to wear a seatbelt without a car seat

Anti Bullying Week - We participated in lesson on BBC about respect and completed some activities to think about what respect means

Remembrance Day - We learnt about Remembrance Day and completed some poppy watercolour pictures
