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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

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In RE we explored the importance of Harvest. We enjoyed learning about how other countries celebrate Harvest. We collected items to donate to the food bank. 

Abstract Art

Our theme this term Abstract Art.

We enjoyed exploring circles and lines. The children listened to classical music and created wavy, straight, dark, light, thin, thick and solid lines to create waves in the style of the artist Zaria Forman. We also used clay to explore primary and secondary colours.


This term, in Literacy we read the story, Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.

The children enjoyed identifying and discussing the main events in the story. We used Talk for Writing actions to help us orally re-tell the story.

The children then innovated the story by changing the characters and setting and made their own story maps.

Finally, they used their story maps to write their own version of the story Lost and Found using time connectives. Well done children!

Our Mystery reader!

Road safety talk 2024

Learning about fractions in Maths

More work on fractions!

Anti-bullying assembly - Theme: Choose Respect

Panto 2024!

History: How have toys changed?

This term in History we are exploring how toys have changed. The children enjoyed bringing their own toys to school. We discovered that our toys light up, make noises and can move! We are going to explore if toys in the past were the same as they are now.
