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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Class Photos

Golden Time

The chairs in our class suddenly disappeared and we noticed a note left on the carpet. They had decided to leave as they didn't feel respected and looked after. The children suggested writing a letter to the chairs to try and persuade them to come back. As you can see, we struggled to complete our learning for the rest of the morning!

History - we looked at modern and old toys and completed a timeline to show when they were invented

We learned about road safety and were tested to see if we still needed a car seat. Only one of us in class doesn't!

Sports Day

Bring Yer Wellies - We had an amazing time on our school trip and learnt a lot about plants!

Zaynah brought in a book about the Queen to share with the rest of the class.

A performance of the poem 'The Ugly Duckling'

Still image for this video

A performance of the poem 'Duck's Ditty'.

Still image for this video

Poetry - We have enjoyed rehearsing and performing a range of poems about ducks outside in the sunshine.

Maths - We have completed a range of activities learning about 2D and 3D shapes

Queen's Jubilee celebrations - We had a lovely day creating our own stamp, taking part in a quiz where we got very competitive, enjoying a lovely dinner and afternoon tea! Not forgetting having fun on the bouncy castle!

Budding artists - We have worked hard to practise our skills and create our own version of the famous painting 'Sunflowers' by Vincent Van Gogh

Throwing and catching skills

We worked in teams to cross the 'river' using hoops. We then completed this as a whole class working hard on our listening and speaking skills.

Cultural Diversity Day. We have been learning about cultural diversity celebrating people's similarities and differences. We then chose a country and researched facts about it and shared this information with our friends.

Eesa has created a story with his cousin at home. We read it out to the rest of the class and we were all very impressed!

Eid day - We had a lovely day celebrating. We completed acrostic poems, created crowns to wear, made lanterns, had party food and games and finished off with an ice-cream from the ice-cream van!

PE - We practised using maps to find different numbers and letters.

PSHE - We practised using the Green Cross Code to cross the road safely.

Seed dispersal - we have been learning about how seeds disperse and made helicopters so show one way that seeds do this.

A child invited his friends in class to have a tea party as he has been learning about 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea'. What a lovely time they all had!

PE - we have been working in small groups to solve a range of problems

We looked at a variety of seeds and are observing closely to see how they grow. We also planted sunflower seeds in small groups and will be seeing whose plant will grow the tallest!

Litter Picking in the community

Yoga - We did our yoga to the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' today.

Mental Health Day - whole school wake and shake

Mental Health Day - active minutes

Fire Talk - a firefighter came into school to explain how to keep safe

Some children have brought in their own reading books to share with the rest of the class.

Making and tasting our vegetable soup!

Using digimaps to draw out own maps of the local area

What a fantastic assembly Sycamore Class performed this week all about the importance of reading. Click on the PDF to find out all about it!

Comic Relief - We thought about how other people can make us laugh and ended the day with some yoga

Class assembly - we had lots of fun sharing how important it is to read in our assembly

English - we have been interviewing Aunt Al when in role as Sophie in 'Sophie's Lucky'

We have been learning lots of different playground games in PE

Andy Seed, an author, came into school to show us some of the books that he has written

PE - We have been learning about ways to look after our bodies and minds and have learnt some yoga.

DT - We tasted a range of different soup flavours to start thinking about what our own soups might taste like

World Book Day - We had lots of fun dressing up as different words, writing book reviews and reading a variety of books throughout the day.

We have been looking at different features on maps, finding out where we live and comparing this to other places.

On Monday it was National Mother Languages Day. We completed some activities on words for food in french. Here are some examples.

Design Technology - designing and making

Creating our diya lamps

Anti Bullying Week

McMillan Coffee Morning

National Fitness Day
