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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve


In years 1 - 5, we follow the Red Rose Mastery Maths Curriculum.

In EYFS and year 6, we follow the Lancashire Maths Curriculum. 

You can find out what the children learn in each year group by clicking on the links below. 


When supporting your children with Mathematics, please see the calculation policies below.

These policies outline which mental / written methods are taught in each year group.


Times Tables


At Daisyfield Primary School we aim to:

  • Ensure that children are secure in all times tables by the end of Year 4.
  • Ensure that children have the ability to apply their times table knowledge in different contexts (regularly providing opportunities for this).
  • Create an environment where children are eager to succeed with their times tables through the use of Times Table Rock Stars and The Daisyfield Times Table Mountain Challenge.


Teachers will actively teach times tables through a variety of practical methods. However, each individual child will move onto the next times table in their own time, when they are ready. We follow the Daisyfield Times Table Mountain  whereby children work towards different challenges and awards. We also encourage the use of Times Table Rock Stars  and NumBots both within school and at home in order to allow children to consolidate times table and number facts knowledge.
