Home Page

Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve


Welcome to Maple Class



Teacher -  Mrs Dodgson

Teaching Assistant - Miss Topping


Welcome to Maple Class's Webpage.

This Term Our Topics are...

Summer 1 - Ticket to ride

Week One - Tickets, Please! 

Week Two - Cars, Buses, Trains

Week Three - Ferries, Boats, Planes

Week Four - Round and About 16

Week Five - Up, Up and Away! 21

Week Six - Holidays



Summer 2 - If you go down into the woods today.

Week One - Materials: Wood

Week Two - Trees and Plants

Week Three - Growing Things

Week Four - Woodland Creatures

Week Five - Bears






Reading is so important, even at Nursery age. We will change your child's reading book once a week.  In Nursery, it is not all about your child reading the book, it is about spending time with your child reading the book together. Parents reading the story and asking questions about the story and pictures to your child. We expect the children to read at home to an adult 3 times a week so they can earn reading badges. Children need to read 10 books for a bronze badge, 14 books for silver and 18 books for a  gold badge. 


If you have any questions or concerns please send a message on Dojo. 
