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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Hazel Class



In Class Hazel the teachers are Mrs Ali and Miss Ahmad.

Miss Ahmad works on Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs Ali works on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.


There are three fabulous Teaching Assistants.

Mrs Patel, who is here to support you through all areas of the curriculum.

Mrs Kenny and Ms Isap, who are the Special Support Assistants in class.



Our PE days for this term are Mondays and Friday. Please ensure children come into school with their PE kits on. Children will need to wear trainers that DO NOT have black soles. They DO NOT need to bring their uniforms to school.  Please note that, Year 4's will NOT be having swimming this term. 



Homework will be sent on Friday and will need to be returned on Monday. Please Dojo the work when asked to. 



Reading books will be changed weekly and children will need to read at least 3 times a week to get their stamp towards their Bronze/Silver/Gold Reading Badges.

Reading records will need to be signed by parents or carers whenever they have read along with the date.  


It is so important that you read with your child frequently to support them with their fluency, expanding on their vocabulary and also their comprehension skills.  Access to a dictionary would be valuable during their reading sessions with yourselves.


IMPORTANT INFORMATION - children will be bringing home an accelerated reading book also.  Encourage your child to read through the book carefully as they will be asked to complete a short quiz after completing the book in school. 



The best way for you to contact us will be through the Class Dojo app or alternatively through the school office. Please message the correct teacher so that you receive a swift reply. 


  • Monday and Tuesday:- Miss Ahmad needs to be contacted regarding any queries. 


  • Wednesday, Thursday and Friday:- Mrs Ali needs to be contacted regarding any queries.  






Sports Day - Wednesday 15th June 2022

Trip to Martin Mere  - 15/10/21


See our photo gallery to enjoy the Viking experience like we did!

World Book Day

In Class Hazel we came dressed as wondrous words and enjoyed various activities.  We read our class novel through the course of the day.  Maybe you can read it to.  
