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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Autumn 2

We had a visit from Santa and enjoyed a party this afternoon.

English - Instructions. We made salt dough decorations and then write instructions to explain how we made them.

Pantomine - we really enjoyed watching the performance of Cinderella

Science - we created posters about how to keep ourselves healthy using Purple Mash

Road Safety Week - We have been learning how to cross the road safely and talked about how to stay safe in a car. We all got measured and everyone still needs to use a car seat. Later that week, we took our road safety posters outside and showed them to the general public on Clinton Street. We saw some adults without their seatbelts on!

English - We enjoyed a reading workshop by an author

Design Technology - We worked hard to make our windmills

Anti-bullying Week - We participated in 'Odd Sock Day' and thought about differences that should be celebrated. We then designed our own sock and came up with different words including being helpful, unique, special, kind etc...

Design Technology - Elder Class created a game for a 6 year old child so Sycamore Class were invited to test and evaluate them. We had a lovely time and enjoyed testing the games

PSHE - We have been working on the British value 'Rule of Law'. We came up with different laws and rules that we need to abide to. The children when created posters reminding people how to drive safely around the local area

English - we have been practising our role play skills. First we completed some freeze frames, thinking about how the princess was feeling in the story. Then we interviewed Princess Lovelypenny from the story Prince Cinders. We practised our Oracy skills, responding appropriately to the questions asked

Science - we have been learning about different food types
