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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Remote Learning

Remote Education: Information for parents/ carers


This information is to let pupils and parents/ carers know about what to expect from remote education if local/national restrictions require entire classes or the whole school to remain at home.


What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of pupils being asked to stay at home?

The Headteacher will contact parents to inform them their child is expected to remain at home.

Teachers will then make contact to explain how the learning will take place. There is an expectation that from day 1, children will engage with all lessons. There is also the expectation that parents will support this. Parents should contact the school if they foresee any possible reasons for these expectations not being met. The school will provide any further support they are able.

On day 1, teachers will arrange an initial Teams meeting, to ensure all children are able to log on successfully, ready for the next day’s live lessons.



Following the first day of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?


We will teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, PE will be focus on general physical activity and basic skills, rather than specific areas e.g. gymnastics, athletics.


There will also be a significant focus to ensure that the children’s English and Maths skills are maintained and they continue to make progress. Children will be taught English and Maths every day. Teachers will deliver a live lesson, between 10 – 20 minutes long, for both English and Maths, and children will then be provided with work to complete at home.


Children in EYFS and KS1 will continue with daily phonics lessons.

We will be accessing on line reading materials and aiming to continue to listen to the children read virtually as much as we can. Parents are encouraged to read with their children at home as much as they can.


Children will be provided with at least 1 live lesson in the afternoon, focusing on either Science, Computing or one of the Foundation Subjects. Children will then be provided with an activity to complete, following on from the live lesson. As a school we will continue to deliver the Daisyfield Curriculum as much as reasonably possible.

Children will be placed into marking groups and at least one group will be provided make with feedback from each lesson.

Where possible, we will teach in the same effective way as we do when teaching face to face by:

  • Ensuring pupils receive clear expectations
  • Supporting growth in confidence with new material through scaffolding practice
  • Providing opportunities to apply new knowledge and skills
  • Enabling pupils to receive feedback on how to progress.

Remote teaching and study time each day

How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day? 


The work set, including any ‘live lessons, should take roughly 2/3 hours each day. This will involve live lessons, directed activities and time spent reading, and working on websites which teachers might direct you to e.g Numbots, Phonics play.

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

The work set, including any ‘live lessons, should take roughly 3/4 hours each day. This will involve live lessons, directed activities and time spent reading, and working on websites which teachers might direct you to e.g TTRS, Purple Mash, My Maths


How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?

All children have been provided with an email address and will access live lesson via Teams. Work will be shared with children using either DoJo, Teams or the school website. Teachers will communicate this with their own class.


If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. Where we can, we will loan your child a laptop. Parents should be aware that as a school we only have limited laptops to loan out.

If parents wish to request a laptop they should contact the school office.

If parents continue to have problems accessing remote learning they should contact school to discuss this further.


What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?

We ask that you set a routine for your child during the time they are at home. We do realise this is not always easy if you are working from home, but it will make the learning much easier if it is at regular set times. Your child’s class teacher will be providing you with a timetable for lessons.

When you child is logging on for their ‘live lessons’ we ask that, in line with safeguarding procedures, you do not record the session. It will also help is you sit with your child if possible. If you have watched the input, this will help you as parents to understand the learning and expectations too.

There is an expectation that all children will engage with all the learning provided for them. If children do not log on to Teams school will contact the parents to ask why.

Children will be placed into marking groups and at least one group will be provided make with feedback from each lesson.

If you are struggling to support the learning, please do not hesitate to contact school for additional guidance.


We recognise that some pupils, for example pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support these pupils, in the same way we do in school.

These children will work on line, either individually or in a small group, with their familiar adults from school. They will continue to be provided with work at an appropriate level. The SENCO will continue to work with staff and families requiring specific help due to SEND plans and offer additional advice and support.



Remote education for self-isolating pupils

If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, how will their remote education differ from the approaches described above?

If your child is self-isolating due to family circumstances, we ask that you keep in close contact with school. We will provide the activities for remote learning via DoJo, but will be unable to provide live lessons due to the lack of available staff and the teachers teaching their class in school.

Your child’s work should still be shared with their class teacher and feedback provided.

If your child in unwell, we would only expect them to complete their learning when they are fit to do so. Please inform the school if your child is unwell.

If your child is required to self isolate, please click on the appropriate links below for your child's lessons whilst away from school. Thank you.

Remote Learning Policy

Visual Timetable Resources to help at home
