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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Class Photos

KS1 had a very important road safety talk to teach us how to keep safe.

We enjoyed a brilliant and very sunny sports day!

Beech Class had an amazing time learning all sorts of things linked to growing and nature at Bring Yer Wellies.

The Queen's Jubilee Celebrations

As part of our 'How Does Your Garden Grow?' topic we have planted, cared for and written about sunflowers.

Team Building - As part of our outdoor adventurous activity PE unit we have been trying out some team building activities.

Enjoying Cultural and Diversity Day

Celebration - We had a party to celebrate being the KS1 class to raise the most money for the benefit mankind charity fund raising event.

We walked around our local area looking for human and physical features.

Eid Party Day

Planting Sunflower Seeds

Beech Class have been making their book fair wish lists.

Children's Mental Health Week - Today we dressed to express and took part in activities based around 5 steps to wellbeing, Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give.

Commonwealth Baton Visits Daisyfield! We had the honor of carrying the commonwealth baton

Litter Picking - we collected lots of rubbish from Clinton Street to help keep our community clean and tidy.

Fruit Salad - We had a fantastic time making fruit salad using chopping, slicing and mixing skills. We have looked at which part of the world the fruits came from in Geography.

Author Visit - Andy Seed

International Mothers Language Day

In Beech Class we learnt about different languages, cultures and food around the world. We discussed different languages that we know and have heard.  We also learnt how to say "hello" in different languages.

Golden Time

For Golden Time we followed instructions to plant cress seed.  We took them home and looked after them.

Following Instructions to Make a Jam Sandwich

As part of our English unit we followed instructions on "How to make a jam sandwich".


We learnt different gymnastic skills during our P.E sessions.

Come Join Our Celebrations

Merman Activity - We designed and made a trouser leg for the merman using our sewing skills.

Sparklers - We have been looking at how Bonfire Night came to be a celebration, by learning about the events leading to the gunpower plot.
