Mrs. Worthington is the Class Teacher and Miss Mulla is our Teaching Assistant and she will support all the children in class on a small group bassis. Mrs. Dadabhai will also be in class supporting children on a 1:1 basis. Miss Mulla will be teaching in Elder Class on Thursday afternoons.
All children are expected to read to an adult at least three times a week. Reading is an important skill and practising at home helps the children build their comprehension skills and their reading stamina.
In order to earn their Reading Badges, the children must read at least three times a week and have an adult sign their Reading Record. The children can read the same book for more than one week, once they have finished the book, they can bring it to school to be changed.
Our P.E. days are Wednesdays and Fridays.
Children need to come to school in their P.E. kit, they can wear their school jumper/cardigan as well as their P.E. kit.
They will also need non-black soled trainers for their P.E. days.
Homework books are handed out on a Friday and are due back on Mondays.
The homework will be a mixture of English, Maths and our Foundation Subjects. This will be presented in a grid format, and the children will do the task for that weekend's date.
If you have any questions, please message me on Class DoJo or come and visit at the end of the day.