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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Summer 1

Science - we created plant mazes to test whether plants need light to survive.

Travel Tracker - we joined a meeting teaching us about the benefits of travelling to school in different ways instead of using the car.

PSHE - we have been learning about the British Value: tolerance and diversity. We were given a range of situations and thought about how people could feel and what they could do about it. We then shared this with the rest of the class.

Maths - we learned about the different turns: quarter, half, three quarters and full turns. We used chalk on the playground to practice this and then directed our partner to complete a range of turns.

Art - we worked with clay using our hands to create the shape. Different items were then imprinted in the clay and we painted it in bright colours.

Eid party - we had a great time at our Eid party and even enjoyed an ice cream / ice lolly from the ice cream van
