At Daisyfield Primary School we believe that physical education, school sport and physical activity (PESSPA) are a very important part of every school day. At Daisyfield Primary School all staff give children the opportunity to be active every single day through a combination of formal PE lessons, playtimes, clubs and through the daily active minutes for example, completing the daily mile, brain breaks. All areas of PESSPA are valued in school as we understand the importance of improving a child’s overall physical health and fitness, and also the benefits to improve their mental health and cognitive development. Research has shown that performing the active minutes and daily fitness, children are more likely to concentrate and maintain focus in lessons. As well as strengthening muscle and bones, exercise builds confidence, inspires positivity and improves social skills.
All schools must provide swimming instruction either in key stage 1 or key stage 2.
In particular, pupils should be taught to:
Our children attend weekly swimming sessions in Year 3 and 4, with refresher courses provided in Year 6.
PE Kit
All children should wear the following for P.E lessons:
For swimming children are required to wear:
Daily Physical Activity
In addition to formal PE lessons, we believe that all physical activity helps children feel good about themselves. We aim to ensure that all children enjoy being active, know why activity is important to their health and wellbeing and understand the rules and conventions of taking part in different activities safely. We recognise the importance of children completing the active 30 minutes a day in school as recommended by the Chief Medical Officer and aim to provide this. To achieve the 30 active minutes, we promote the daily active mile, incorporate brain breaks in lessons and have trained play leaders delivering structured activity at lunchtimes.
Extracurricular clubs
At Daisyfield Primary School we are committed to providing extra-curricular sporting opportunities. Clubs are co-ordinated by the PE subject leader and are delivered by school staff, the specialist PE teacher or other appropriate external companies. These include after school clubs in a range of sports and activities across all year groups. We feel that it is important to offer all children the experience of participating in an extra-curricular club and we encourage all children to take part in at least one extracurricular club. Pupils are consulted regarding the clubs on offer through pupil voice and the school council.
We also promote local clubs and community links as appropriate and signpost talented pupils to the relevant clubs that are available locally.
At Daisyfield Primary School we understand and value the importance of competition. We provide our pupils with the opportunities to participate in a variety of competitions throughout the year against other primary schools in a variety of sports, friendly matches against other teams and performing exceptional work, such as dance displays. We also include competition within our PE lessons where appropriate and complete intraschool competitions, such as our annual sports day. Selection for school teams is based on attendance, attitude and commitment as much as sporting ability.
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