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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve


Q.  My understanding is that we are allowed to take the children off school for 10 days in any given academic year.  Is this correct?

A.   No.  Under no circumstances can a family holiday be authorised.  In years gone by it was tolerated but, the DfE have given strict guidelines now informing Headteachers that they are not permitted to authorise such absences.  The DfE have also given the LA (Local Authority) the power to issue fixed penalty notices to families who do take their children out of school for a holiday. In some instances children may be taken off role and lose their place.


Q.  When should I report an absence?

A.  You need to ring school before 9am, everyday that your  child's is absent.  Please leave a message on the answerphone or call the school office.  You will be asked your child’s name and the reason for absence.  ‘He’s ill’ is not enough information unfortunately.  We need to monitor certain illnesses and report them if they become virulent within our community.


Q.  My child has diarrhoea, when should they return to school?

A.  48 hours after the last bout of diarrhoea.


Q.  My child has been vomiting, when should they return to school?

A.  48 hours after the last bout of vomiting.


Q.  My child is on antibiotics but they feel well in themselves, can they return to school? 

A.  Yes.  If the antibiotic is to be given three times per day we ask that you give it in the morning, immediately after school and before bed.  If medication is required four times a day parents are requested to come in and give it to their child. 


Q.  Can I give my child medicine e.g. Calpol sachets, to take if they feel unwell or have a headache?

A.  No.  Under no circumstances should a child be in possession of medication of any sort.


Q.  My child needs regular medication during school time, what do I do?

A.  Speak to the school office.  We do have official papers that parents may sign to give us permission to administer certain medicines e.g. inhalers for asthma.


Q.  My child has nits, what do I do?

A.  Unfortunately nits and headlice are part and parcel of primary school life.  The best way to limit the chances of getting them is to always tie your child’s hair back or keep it short.  Nits do not jump, they transfer through head to head contact and children tend to huddle in groups or whisper to each other during day to day play.

The best way to deal with nits is to regularly use a nit comb when you wash your child’s hair.  You wash the hair as normal, condition it and leave the conditioner  in whilst using the nit comb.  After each stroke, wipe the comb clean on a piece of kitchen roll.  Longer hair will need sectioning.  When the whole head is done,rinse the conditioner.  If nits or lice were found, repeat in 3 days until clear.
