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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Rowan Class

     Welcome to Rowan Class

In Rowan, the class teacher is Mrs Shiers. We have three TAs,  who work with the whole class, groups and individual children.

Miss Lorgat will support all the children in class for the next few weeks.  

Mrs Dadabhai & Mrs Patel are SSAs - they help to support children in Rowan.

Mrs Heffernan will teach Rowan  Friday afternoons. 

PE Days

Our PE days are Monday (Y3 and Y4) and Friday for Y4 only.


Children need to come to school in their PE kits: dark green jogging bottoms/shorts and a yellow t-shirt. They can wear non-black soled trainers on their PE days.


Y3 will go swimming on Fridays.

Children can come to school wearing their swimwear under their PE Kit. Girls/those with long hair need to have it tied back and should bring a swimming cap.




Homework is sent home on Friday and is expected back in school on a Monday. Children will be expected to log onto TTRS at least once a week to support their learning of multiplication and division facts for all 12x tables by the end of Y4.


All children are expected to READ TO AN ADULT at least THREE TIMES A WEEK. 

Developing their comprehension and vocabulary skills is vital for our children to support their learning in all areas of the curriculum. 

Our reading badge challenge to achieve Bronze, Silver and then Gold,  encourages this regular reading.


Accelerated Reader library books are now part of the weekly routine and it is lovely to see Rowan class reading for pleasure and enjoying the subsequent quizzes.

Remember: Readers are Succeeders!

Class Information - Spring 2022

Rowan Class worked so hard in Autumn term and the children are growing in independence. We are developing their responsibility for their reading and homework books and they know the weekly routines for handing them in.


 Check out the class newsletter and Class Dojo for what we are learning in class over the next term. 


All of the staff in Rowan are available to talk about your child and help in any way we can.


Mrs Shiers 😊

Keep an eye on our Class Dojo to see how hard we are working in the classroom! It is also an excellent way to communicate with school about classroom and work-related questions. I am always happy to answer questions and share what the class are doing with you. Please remember that important messages, for instance absences, need to be communicated through Mrs Barker in the Office. 