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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Things We Are Proud Of

04.12.24 Today we celebrated the 'Stars in Our School'. Each week we celebrate the children, with our Star of the Week assembly but today we celebrated our wonderful staff team. To thank our staff for all of their efforts, we gathered to have brunch together. Each member of our team left with a raffle prize - chocolates, gift vouchers, a day off work token, to mention just a few. Thank you again to our staff, Daisyfield wouldn't be the same without each and every one of you!

Bike ability!

Year 6 children had the exciting opportunity to take part in the bike ability sessions which had two levels, level 1 and level 2. Level 1 involved riding a bike around the school grounds and some children were put through to level 2, which involved riding bikes on the roads around school. We are very proud of them all! smiley

We have many WOW moments in our school, lots that can be seen on our our 'Class Pages' and  'Latest News' sections of the website. 

This page is to share with you moments that we are so very proud of, which are generally things we have achieved as a whole school.

Well done to our Year 2 winners who designed hi-viz jackets as part of out Road Safety Week. Look how great their designs are!

WELL DONE DAISYFIELD! We achieved the Bronze Games Mark!

We raised over £1000 in sponsorship for the GB Paralympic athlete Laurie Williams! We had a fantastic morning completing a circuit with her and collecting our prizes. Ending with an assembly on the importance of resilience, punctuality and healthy lifestyles. Well Done Daisyfield!

Blackburn with Darwen Oral Health Improvement Partnership Strategy

GOLD! Our Kurling Team came in first place in the finals. This competition comprised of all the schools in the whole of the North West of the UK! Well Done!

Elder Class - God Save the King (on our Brass Instruments)

Still image for this video

Recipe for Health Gold Award

Food Bank Collection

Blackburn with Darwen Road Safety Poster Competition Winners

Red Cross Fundraising

Daisyfield's artwork and thank you cards feature at Oxenholme Train Station.

We are so proud of Binyaameen, who has just completed his hifdh and has became hafiz. He celebrated by very kindly giving all the staff in school, and the children in his class, a jar of sweets. Thank you and well done!!

Our Annual Ramadan Fund Raising working with the Charity Benefit Mankind

Our annual McMillan Coffee Morning

Supporting our local foodbank

The great impressions our children make on people who visit our school.
