Home Page

Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve


Welcome to Beech Class! 


Your Teacher is Mrs Rehman

Our Teaching Assistants is Mrs Moosa 

Our Special Support Assistant is Mrs Bibi


PE Days

Our PE days are Thursday and Friday.

Children need to come to school in their PE kits on these days.

They will also need non-black soled trainers for their PE days.



Homework is based on what children have been learning in school.  Once the children have settled into year 1 homework will be sent home on a Friday and will be expected back in school on a Monday. Children will be awarded dojo points for completing their homework.



All children are expected to READ TO AN ADULT at least THREE TIMES A WEEK.

This is imperative if we are to help our children build their reading comprehension and reading stamina in general.


We encourage the children to keep up with their reading at home and this will be monitored so that the children can then win their Reading Badges.  


If you have any questions or concerns then please do not hesitate to contact me through Class Dojo or at the end of the school day. I am always happy to help in any way that I can.


Beech Class Information - Summer Term


This half term in Beech Class we will be learning about the following things:

English: Stories with familiar settings and Non-fiction texts: Booklets

Maths:  Number and Place Value and Statistics, Addition and Subtraction, Capacity/Volume, Fractions, Position and Direction, Time

Science: Living Things and Their Habitats

History: What is a monarch?

Computing: Presenting Ideas.

RE: What happened at the Ascension and Pentecost?

PE: Athletics Net and ball games

PSHE: Living in the Wider World - Caring & Health and Wellbeing – Road Safety 

Art: Art and Design skills

Music: Dynamics, Timbre, Tempo and Motifs (theme: Space)

