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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Willow Class

Welcome to Willow Class


I (Mr. Ainarkar) will be your class teacher and Miss. Mohamed will be our Teaching Assistant.


Mrs. Heffernan will be teaching in Willow Class on Monday mornings and Friday mornings.


Mrs. Smith will our P.E Coach on Thursday.


PE Days


Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.


Children need to come to school in their PE kits.


They will also need non-black soled trainers for their PE days.


This term our focus will be on Fitness and on Hockey.





Homework will be sent home on a Friday and will be expected back in school on a Monday.


This will change as we build up momentum in preparation for KS2 SAT's.





All children are expected to READ TO AN ADULT at least THREE TIMES A WEEK.


This is imperative if we are to help our children build their reading comprehension and reading stamina in general.


We encourage the children to keep up with their reading at home and this will be monitored so that the children can then win their Reading Badges.



Class Information - Summer Term


We will be working extremely hard from the start of the Summer Term to make sure we are prepared for our SAT's.




In English, we will be working on Flashback Narrative Stories and using the text Carrie's War:


In the Spring term in English, our theme was 'Detective Fiction' and we produced our own Detective Fiction Stories.

Here is an example of some Independent writing produced in class:



In Maths, we have been looking at ways in which we can improve our ability to understand and answer Reasoning Questions.


We have worked on the following Success Criteria which has really helped us to be able to break down and answer reasoning questions correctly.




World Book Day 2022

Author Visit - Andy Seed

Commonwealth Baton visits Daisyfield!






