Q. Can my child play on the climbing frame and sand park before or after school?
A. This area does not belong to school so our insurance does not cover accidents which may occur on it. It is the parent/carers responsibility to keep their child safe and in obeyance with rules outside of school hours.
Q. When should my child bring their PE Kit to school?
A. Children in Oak and Elm class should bring their PE kit on the first day of school. The PE Kit should be left in school at all times and only taken home at the end of each half term to wash. All other children should come school dressed in their PE kit. If children are going swimming, they should come to school in their PE kit with their swimming kit in a separate bag. Trainers should be suitable for sports and outdoor activities, not fashion trainers.
Q. When should my child bring their book bag?
A. Every day.
Q. Why didn’t I receive the text message everyone else did?
A. Probably because we have an incorrect mobile number for you on our system. It is so important to keep us updated. If your child were to have an accident or there has been an incident or a club is cancelled, we need to get hold of you urgently and we cannot tell you the frustration this can cause if we do not have an up to date mobile number on our system.
Q. Why can we not park near the school gates?
A. This is because we need to keep the road clear for coaches and emergency access. If we need to call an ambulance for a child, parent or member of staff, we need to know that the emergency services can come down Clinton Street unhindered. It also serves to keep the children safer on their approach to school. The yellow zig-zags are there to prevent parking and protect everyone arriving/leaving school. Please find a safe place to park and walk the distance with your child.
Q. When and why are there INSET days?
A. INSET days are clearly marked on the year dates which are sent out (copies are available on request and are also on the holiday list on the website.). INSET stands for IN SErvice Training day. This does not mean the staff are having a day off, it means that training on the latest government initiatives or school improvement are happening on that day and the Local Authority give each school 5 training days per year, the first of which has to take place on the first day back in September ergo, there is not an INSET after every holiday – please check your year dates carefully.
Q. I’m worried about my child/ I have a concern, who do I talk to?
A. In the first instance, you should speak to the class teacher. The teacher will always try their best to look into matters or resolve any problem you have. If you are not sure if they have dealt with it? Ask them. If you are still unsatisfied, make an appointment with our Deputy Head. Only after these avenues have been exhausted, should you ask to make an appointment with the Headteacher.
Q. It’s my child’s birthday, can I bring a cake to share with the class?
A. Unfortunately, due to the high number of children with allergies in school, cake or sweets cannot be brought in to share with children. We don't feel it is fair to allow some children to have a treat and not others. The safety of our children is paramount.
Q. How can I become more involved in school life as a parent?
A. Look out for vacancies arising on the Governing Body – further information is available on request.