Q. At what times are the gates open?
A. The gates on Clinton Street are open in the morning from 8.30am until 8.45am. They are reopened at 2.50pm for the end of the school day. The reason is for security of the children at our school. We are aware this seems inconvenient at times but the welfare of the children has to be our priority.
Q. What are the arrangements for rainy days?
A. Please bear in mind that children should not be on site before 8:30am. Classroom doors are opened by staff at 8:40am, 5 minutes before the school day begins. Children remain the responsibility of parents until the classroom doors are open. Please do not come into the front entrance of the school but enter by the classroom door unless you are late.
Q. It’s just past 8:45am but the teacher won’t open the door?
A. This is because you are late. Learning begins at 8:45am. Banging on the door only serves to disrupt the learning of the other children who arrived on time. If the classroom door is locked and closed, please enter through the main front doors and report your child’s name and class to member of staff in the office.
Q. Can I collect my child early for a medical appointment?
A. Yes. However, please inform the office and teacher in advance and bring evidence of the appointment to the office. We would expect that regular GP, dentist and optician appointments are made out of school time. We know that this is not possible for specialist hospital appointments. You will need to collect you child via the office