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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Public Sector Equality Duty

Daisyfield Primary School equality objectives


At Daisyfield Primary School, we:

  • To strive to achieve equality of opportunity for all, adults and pupils, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity etc.
  • To educate all about discrimination and prejudice and promote a harmonious environment (social cohesion).
  • To continue to monitor the attendance of different groups of pupils within school and address any areas for development
  • To prioritise the mental health and welfare of all pupils and staff
  • To promote an inclusive setting for all pupils
  • To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experiences both in and beyond the school
  • To ensure all pupils have access to extra-curricular activities
  • To strive for all pupils regardless of ethnicity, age, gender or disadvantage to achieve the highest possible standards in their learning and make good progress.
  • To ensure that more able pupils, including disadvantaged more able pupils, make better than average progress in all core subjects. 
  • To ensure that the appointment of staff is in line with equal opportunities legislation.
  • To ensure that the governing body of the school reflects the wider community.


The following objectives are our four-year equality objectives for the period 2022-26. They will be kept under regular review.
