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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Spring 2

Geography - We have created mud huts, like the houses that people live in in Mali, and written postcards describing what we would see in the Amazon Rainforest

Mothers Day Event - we created posters to advertise the event and put them up around the school

Science Day - we created a 'Rube Goldberg' which sent a secret message to Hazel Class.

Science - James Boffin came in to show us some Science investigations as part of our Science day

Oral Health Talk

PSHE - we went on a local walk to see what the community was like. We then thought about how we could support our community. The children mentioned how we could help to keep the area clean and pick up the litter.

Computing - we went on a walk and found lots of ways that we use technology in the local area

Computing - We have created animated stories using Purple Mash

We are feeding the fish three times a week

Art - We have been learning about different lines and created an ocean picture with our friends

Art - we have been learning about Abstract art and created our own interpretations

Art - we have created our own versions of Jasper Johns '0-9' artwork using the technique 'impasto'

English - We read and matched riddles

Oracy - we have written our own riddles. Can you guess what they are about?

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Khadijah A.MOV

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Maryam S.MOV

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Khadijah S.MOV

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Khadeejah P.MOV

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Hafsa H.MOV

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PE - we have been practising our throwing and catching skills

World Book Day - R.K.Alker, an author, came into school to share his books and inspiration for writing. He also signed some books!

World Book Day - The story circus came to school to teach us about the importance of reading

World Book Day - we enjoyed making bookmarks, writing book reviews and creating quizzes about our favourite books
