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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Spring 1

English - we used books and the internet to research facts about Neil Armstrong

PE - We created sequences for our Gymnastics including rolling, travelling and jumping using the apparatus

PSHE - we have been thinking about who we love and why. We decided to write letters and deliver them to our loved ones.

Science - we looked at animal skulls and teeth to determine whether they were an omnivore, herbivore or carnivore

Gymnastics - using the apparatus to travel and jump

Computing - we used lego to give and follow instructions. We found it trickier to do this back to back.

Maths - we have been practising reading scales, measuring the mass of different objects

Gymnastics - we have practised a range of jumps and focussed on how to land safely

Science - we have been measuring the amount of water each month in out rain gauge to compare seasons and months throughout the year

Fish - we are now helping to look after the fish by feeding them three times a week.

Maths - we have been working on our Oracy skills, talking with our partner about different 2D and 3D shapes

Computing - we have practised following instructions using Purple Mash

Gymnastics - we practised our travelling and jumping using different apparatus

Science - we have been looking at animal's teeth to determine whether they are an omnivore, herbivore or carnivore
