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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Stars of the Week

20.07.23 Khadijah has won the effort award this year. Khadijah has an excellent attitude towards her learning. She joins in class discussions in all lessons and always tries to complete all work set to the best of her ability. I am so proud of your efforts this year, Khadijah! Ismail has won the progress award this year. Ismail has made fantastic progress this year in all areas of his learning. In particular: communication, Phonics, Maths and English. Ismail should be very proud of himself, as are myself, Mrs Barnes and all the Birch class teachers.

14.07.23 This week our star of the week is Haadiyah for asking and answering some great questions during our trip to the allotment. Well done, Haadiyah!

07.07.23 Jaiim is our star of the week for his fantastic effort in our sports day!

30.06.23 This week our star of the week is Mohammed-Eesa for taking care in his art work. Well done, Mohammed-Eesa!

23.06.23 This week our star of the week is Noor for her fantastic progress in Maths and her increase in confidence in all areas! Well done, Noor!

16.06.23 Zaynab is our star of the week for always putting 100% effort in all lessons. Well done, Zaynab

09.06.23 This week out star of the week is Abdul Haleem for settling in well to school and joining in class discussions. Well done, Abdul Haleem!

26.05.23 Imaan is our star of the week for being a kind and caring friend! Well done, Imaan!

19.05.23 This week our star of the week is Maryam for being a kind friend and listening carefully in class. Well done, Maryam!

12/05/23 This week our star of the week is Zaynab for using her success criteria in her writing and being engaged in all lessons. Well done, Zaynab!

05/05/23 This week our star of the week is Azaan for his effort in all lessons and trying to work more independently. Well done, Azaan!

28.04.23 This week the star of the week is Layan for being confident and sharing her ideas in class. Well done, Layan!

24.04.23 This week our star of the week is Hussain for always showing respect to others. Well done, Hussain!

03.03.23 This week our star of the week is Huzaifah. It is really encouraging to see you still trying your best and not letting anything get in your way! Well done Huzaifah!

24.02.23 This week our star of the week is Muhammad Adam for trying his best in maths and challenging himself. Keep up the good work!

10.02.23 This week our star of the week is Yusuf for always being a kind and caring member of Birch class and for trying his best. Well done, Yusuf!​​​​​​​

03.02.23 This week our star of the week is Maryam for her amazing effort in her writing. Well done, Maryam!​​​​​​​

27.01.23 This week our star of the week is Jaiim for his super work in English and for trying really hard. Well done, Jaiim.​​​​​​​

20.01.23 This week our star of the week is Ziyan for trying really hard with his work and becoming more independent! Well done, Ziyan.

13.01.23 This week our star of the week is Noor for working well independently and always being ready to learn! Well done, Noor.

09.12.22 This week our star of the week is Muhammad Zaeem for his great effort in reading comprehension!

02.12.22 This week our star of the week is M.Eesa for his fantastic effort in Maths this week when learning how to tell the time.

25.11.22 This week our star of the week is Eliza for always being confident, kind and hardworking.

18.11.22 This week our star of the week is Hussain for his fantastic effort in Maths.

11.11.22 This week our star of the week is Haadiyah for being enthusiastic about learning! Well done, Haadiyah!

04.11.22 This week our star of the week is Khadijah for listening carefully and sharing her ideas in class. Well done, Khadijah.

21.10.22 This week our star of the week is Humaira for her fantastic writing. Humaira has worked hard to use conjunctions: and, but, so and because.

14.10.22 This week our star of the week is Ismail for his super talking!

07.10.22 This week our star of the week is Muhammed for his FANTASTIC manners! Well done, Muhammed.

30.09.22 This week our star of the week is Safaa. Safaa has been super speedy! She has been following instructions straight away. Well done, Safaa.

23.09.22 This week our star of the week is Noor-E-Harum for her excellent effort in all areas of her learning.

15.09.22 Ibrahim - For always trying your best and joining in class discussions. Well done, Ibrahim.

09.09.22 This week our star of the week is Adam for demonstrating two of our school values! Adam has been determined and self-believing. Well done, Adam.
