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Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Autumn 2

We had lots of fun in our Christmas party!

Santa came to visit. Some of us were too excited and opened our presents straight away!

Geography - We used a map of the playground to find different places

Christmas meal

We enjoyed playing out in the snow

English - we created a tree decoration to write instructions for

Art - we drew around 2D shapes and used a range of media to colour them in

PE - we have been learning about healthy lifestyles and finding ways to keep active

PSHE - we thought about different events that make us happy and created pictures to show this

Computing - we have created a class pictogram showing the different ways that we travel to school

Art - we have used the primary colours blue and yellow to create different shades of green

Art - we have enjoyed making a print about 'The Great Fire of London

Oracy - we have been working hard to use our discussion guidelines when interviewing a character from the story 'Prince Cinders'

Dance - we have been learning a dance from 'around the world' including the countries Africa, America and Spain

2D shapes - we used geoboards to create regular and irregular shapes

PE - we practised bouncing a ball and throwing into a target

Design Technology - we created a chair for Baby Bear to sit on using card, straws and pipe cleaners.

PE - we practised bouncing a ball, working hard to keep in control of it when we moved around the hall
