Home Page

Daisyfield Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve


Welcome to Maple Class


Welcome to Maple Class, where your Teacher is Mrs Dodgson and your Teaching Assistant is Mrs Gorji.

Here you can find out about what we are doing throughout the year and some useful information and webpages.

Please get in touch through Class Dojo or by ringing the school office.



Reading is so important, even at Nursery age. We will change your child's reading book once a week.  In Nursery, it is not all about your child reading the book, it is about enjoying spending time with your child, reading the book together. Parents can read the story and ask questions about the events and what can be seen in the pictures, with your child. Once your child has read the book a couple of times with you, encourage them to ("read") tell the story to you.

We expect the children to read at home to an adult 3 times a week so they can earn reading badges. Children need to read 10 books for a bronze badge, 14 books for silver and 18 books for a  gold badge.

Please click on the link below, which will take you to our Curriculum page. Here you can find information about Phonics and Reading. 



We do PE lessons in the Hall every Wednesday morning in Maple class. Children also have daily access to carefully planned and purposeful outdoor play. The outdoor provision is a place where our children can be fully immersed in all types of learning, as well as developing their gross motor skills. It offers space and therefore is particularly important to those children who learn best through active movement. 

We do encourage that you buy the school PE bag and put spare clothes in it. This is then kept at school, on your child's peg, in case your child needs to be changed. Please name ALL items of clothing and the PE bag.



Homework is sent out on a Friday and is to be handed in the following Monday. In Maple class the homework is related to the learning for the week to come, so it is important that we maintain the home and school partnership and you complete the home work with your child. This way you are contributing to your child's development and learning.



Our Summer topics are as follows:





TOPIC—One Upon A Time


Week One—Jack and the Beanstalk

Week Two—Jack and the Beanstalk cont.

Week Three—The Gingerbread Man

Week Four—The Gingerbread Man cont.

Week Five—Snow White

Week Six—Snow White cont.

Week Seven—Cinderella


TOPIC — What a Wonderful World


Week One - Living

Week Two - Pretty

Week Three - Big

Week Four - Small

Week Five - Old

Week 6 - New



We will share photographs on Class Dojo of the different activities and learning experiences in the unit. 


As well as all of the exciting learning experiences we have set up in the Unit, we will carry out Phonics, Literacy/Communication and Language and Maths activities each day.  


As always, if you have any questions or concerns please come and speak to one of the adults or send a message on Class Dojo.


We look forward to creating memories and learning experiences together over our year together in Maple Class. 


Still image for this video
How we read with your child at school.

If you need help with toilet training, here is a useful team to get in touch with for support and ideas.
